With rising daily expenses and not equally rising pay packages, getting short on money at the end of the month (before salary is credited, of course), has become quite common..
Have you ever undergone similar situations? Have you been in a place where you needed a small amount of money on an urgent basis, and hence had to arrange same from a local lender or from some relative?
Well, the solution to such situations is ‘cash loan‘. What is cash loan? Well, we’ll explain here.
Often people ask, “Umm, why not a personal loan? Aren’t personal loan and cash loan same?”.
So, NO!! Personal loan and cash loans are NOT same!! There are many differences. To name some:.
To be precise, personal loans are long term loans meant for large expenses, however, cash loans are short term, meant for meager expenses.
Cash loans are quite attractive, given the purpose that they fulfill. To name some of the benefits:
With ample fringe benefits, cash loans have a few downsides as well, like:
Well, we sure have named these under ‘downsides’, but if you look at them, they’ll appear more of ‘terms and conditions’, that you’ll know before you get a cash loan.
That was almost everything that you need to know for applying for a cash loan. Before applying for a cash loan, make sure, you have checked everything from the below checklist: